Documenting Your Privacy & Security Program

Policy Manuals
Creating written documentation of all policies and procedures is a requirement of all compliance programs. If it is “not in writing it does not exist” as far as the Data Protection Authorities are concerned. In our experience large enterprises have written policies and procedures, but they are often sorely out of date. They do not exist in most mid-sized and small businesses.
As part of our Privacy & Security Programs, we write manuals for our clients. We then edit them with our clients to ensure 100% fit to the organization. Our GDPR manual is comprised of 17 Sections, 125+ policies and over 500 pages. Your employees are granted read only access while your privacy staff are empowered to make changes. The process of updating policies and procedures is well documented in the process (Section 1 & 2).
- Advisory
- April 23, 2020
- Newport Thomson