We can all help the CRTC enforce CASL. Report all of your spam messages to spam@fightspam.gc.ca. If we all forward our spam to the Spam Reporting Centre, the bad actors will pop up like tall poppies. The CRTC will know who to investigate for what and fines/undertakings/violations will follow when appropriate. Here are the Enforcement […]
Privacy compliance was once a straightforward process of checking the right boxes — not much more than adequate consents and a privacy policy on a website — but that world no longer exists. We are in the midst of a global explosion of legislation governing data. With potential overlaps and even clashes between laws, as […]
There are 98 Sections to the ACT RESPECTING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR that were impacted by the passing of Bill 64 in September of 2021. Some are similar to obligations within PIPEDA, but these obligations will be strongly enforced by the CAI in Quebec. As it was written back in 1999, […]
As a Privacy Professional it has been somewhat frustrating trying to sort out the new privacy landscape defined by Quebec’s Bill 64. The Bill itself makes changes to 21 different Acts, but the Act for the Private Sector (ACT RESPECTING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR or PPIPS) and the Public Bodies […]
Quebec’s new Bill 64 impacts 21 different laws in the province. The 2 data protection and privacy laws impacted the most are: 1) ACT RESPECTING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR (PPIPS and 2) the ACT RESPECTING ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS HELD BY PUBLIC BODIES AND THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION (PBPPI) Like […]
The Quebec ACT RESPECTING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR was updated in 2007 on the Legis Quebec website. Bill 64 was passed on September 22, 2021. Sections 93 through 152 of Bill 64 detailed the changes to be made to the ACT RESPECTING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. […]
Until now, we have not really been required to implement practices or processes to track and record consent to use an individual’s personal data when conducting business. For the most part over the past 20 years, we collected and bought what we could and then “followed the technology” to determine what we could do with […]